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Judul : The dynamics of organic farming institution towards sustainable development
Tahun : 2016
Penulis : Dr. Ir. Rilus A. Kinseng M.A.Dr.Ir. Anna Fatchiya M.SiIr. Fredian Tonny Nasdian M.S Hana Indriana SP, M.Si Tri Budiarto S.KPm, MSi,  rohayati, galuh adriana
Abstrak :

The development of organic agriculture is significant both at local, national, regional, and global in the last two decades and organic farming has matured enough to offer lesson. In the process, these developments characterized by a variety of internal and external conflicts such as conflict of interest, the data conflicts, resource conflicts, and structural conflicts. Products from various conflicts between the actors who are related, ultimately forming institutional arrangements. This study aims to explain the mechanisms that made the actors involved in organic farming in managing conflicts by placing community as an important actor. This study uses a constructivist paradigm that seeks to understand the meaning construction management of conflicts of various actors. The study was conducted in three locations namely Tasikmalaya District, West Java, Boyolali, Central Java, and Malang in East Java. Conflict management model that has been built by the institutional organic farming in Tasikmalaya, Boyolali, and Malang a lesson learned for other lowland rice farming locations that could potentially be the location of the development of organic rice. In the development phase, while this institutional organic farming that have been built are encouraged to ensure food security where production is not only oriented to meet export demand, but also meet the needs of organic food at the local and national levels.

Keywords: conflict management, organic farming, sustainability, food security

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