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Judul : Dinamika Awig-Awig dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Keberlanjutan Tanah Adat (Kasus: Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali)
Tahun : 2020
Penulis : Dr. rer. net Rina Mardiana S.P., M.Si,  Putu Riana Pertiwi
Abstrak :

Awig-awig is a customary law that governs the life of the community in Pakraman. Environmental management and land resources in a pakraman are also regulated in the Awig-awig. Awig-awig is dynamic, which means moving and making adjustments to the conditions of society. Awig-awig dynamics that occur in pakraman are related to the sustainability of customary land in pakraman because the management of customary lands is regulated in awig-awig. This study aims to identify the local knowledge and practice of traditional customary land management, awig-awig dynamics, the sustainability of customary land from ecological, social, cultural, religious, and economic aspects and identify the influence of awig-awig dynamics on the sustainability of customary land. The research method used was survey research using questionnaire instruments to get quantitative data and in-depth interviews to get the qualitataive data. The results showed that there were awig-awig dynamics in the Traditional Village of Tenganan Pegringsingan and there was an influence of awig-awig dynamics on the sustainability of customary land.

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